Legal Question in Banking Law in India

Credit card loan payment

availed a loan at dubai against credit card. Lost the job and returned back to india and failed to pay the outstanding amonut

Asked on 6/15/07, 8:31 am

5 Answers from Attorneys

kavitha balakrishnan kpp associates

Re: Credit card loan payment

al you have to do is wait until you get a legal notice - demand notice - or you plan to go back to dubai!

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Answered on 7/01/07, 12:40 pm
J. Radhakrishnan independent Practice

Re: Credit card loan payment

while it is possible for the Bank/Agency which issued the credit card to sue you in India for the outstanding, having regard to its difficulty to find out your whereabouts in India and the none too happy procedures for recovery and the cost involved, the credit card agency may as well forget about it. If per chance you go back to Dubai again, it is possible for the credit agency to take action against you under the Dubai law, the time during which you were out of Dubai jurisdiction being excluded in the period of limitation under the Dubai law (if it all there is a limitation law like that).

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Answered on 6/15/07, 10:10 am
G. M. Gupta gmguptaandassociates

Re: Credit card loan payment

first of all dont ever go to dubai again as laws are very very strict there and that may be ur last visit anywhere.

remain in india and enjoy till they search you and ask you money.

For better and detailed advice contact personally, if possible, with papers. Consulation charges will apply.

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Answered on 6/15/07, 3:52 pm
Vivek Mapara Mapara Law Firm

Re: Credit card loan payment

Advise you to repay the loan by sending money transfer from india, or else do never visit dubai.

It is also possible that they may try to find you in india, and through deplomat they can take you to dubai to take action against you.

I have tried to answer your question, though it is too evasive and incomplete.

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Answered on 6/16/07, 1:40 am
Alok Sharma Alok Sharma & Associates

Re: Credit card loan payment

you are liable to pay the amount of loan enjoyed by you if bank sues you here. The amount is immaterial, but if the amount is insignificant bank may like to forget since the cost of recovery will be higher.

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Answered on 6/16/07, 4:59 am

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