Legal Question in Banking Law in India
Name in Defaulter List
I had taken a credit card from a Bank before One year, due to some problem I am not paying the debt from last seven month.
And when I apply for a Personal loan before two weeks then I found that bank added my name in civil defaulter list.
My question is that if I pay the whole amount now, then my name will removed or not from defaulter list.
5 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Name in Defaulter List
if you pay up your outstanding loan, your name will be removed from the defaulter's list.
Re: Name in Defaulter List
We think that we can help you to solve your affairs forthwith, please send us your documents or write an detailed e-mail in order to notify the circumstance. We checked over the documents thereafter, we will return your added phone number,e-mail or address,as soon as.
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Re: Name in Defaulter List
Yes, after bank intimates CIBIL
Re: Name in Defaulter List
When you pay the complete amount plese attach a letter stating that you are making the payment and the credit card company should write to CIBIL to get your name removed from the defaulters list.
If the company does not do that in reasonable time, you have the remedy of moving to the Consumer Court for direction to them.
Re: Name in Defaulter List
If you make payment and clear the outstandings, your name may not find place in list of defaulters.
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