Legal Question in Banking Law in India
My mother used to work in a bank; she retired & used to get a pension from the bank regularly. A few months ago my mom expired & she had made an affidavit saying that after her death her pension should Not go to her husband as her husband is an alcoholic and has harassed her till her last days. We have provided the bank with my mother's affidavit but they refused to accept it as the affidavit is not registered. And that my father will get the family pension against my mother's dying wishes. Is there something I can do to stop my father from getting the pension.
4 Answers from Attorneys
As per law husband is entitle for pension. but you may also claim but write down your personal detail, your age, work etc.
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With Regards
during her life, your mother should have nominated you instead of her husband. now nothing can be done.
nothing. affidavit is not will
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