Legal Question in Business Law in India

As per the Bid Document, the Bid Form and power of Attorney is required to be submitted in Non Judicial Stamped paper. But the Contractor being a foreign company submitted in a plain papers. Besides the Pre-Bid Agreements between the Bidder and its Associates are in Chinese languages. Under the circumstnaces it is requested to suggest the best remedies to legallise the aforesaid documents in India. Besides the company has also incerted that the disputes shall be conducted by China International Economic and Trade Arbitrtion Commission instead of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as provided in the Bid Documents.

Asked on 12/15/11, 3:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Bid document is the basic document the conditions of which are the foremost conditions to be complied by the bidder. if any of the conditions is not fullfilled the bid is liable to be rejected.


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Answered on 12/16/11, 8:32 am

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