Legal Question in Business Law in India


My husband borrow money 10 lacs from financer for the business purpose. but at the time of recession in IT, business does not go well, and finally he has to close the business. Now he is doing job in private company. The financer has put case on him.Financer has taken in written from my husband on stamp paper about the money. Now we are not capable to return the money. We are trying to arrange. Even because of this, my in-laws also not supporting him. So we are helpless now. Can anyone suggest me what can be the solution or settlement for this? or what should we do to save our life from this problem? How my future is if i continue to live with my husband? or Shall I take decision to leave him? Please give me proper suggestion, I am very much confused...

Asked on 12/21/11, 2:35 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735) [email protected]

hire a lawyer and he would defend your husband in the court of law.

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Answered on 12/21/11, 3:06 am

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