Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

my cousin brother &his;mother lived in siliguri (w.b).His father passed away and one person comes & asked that shop belongs to him in actual that shop was given to his father on rent basis. from the last three years that shop was not opened by anybody & we also know that person father also passed away.that person alleged that shop was given to him by my cousin brother's father .we have only rent reciept only there is no written proof on either side of giving that shop to him.owenership of that shop is brother's mother.What step they took in this situation .they approached the police or open the shop or file a case

Asked on 3/06/13, 4:13 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Fca Prashant Chavan Expert Edge LLP


Dear Sir / Madam,

It is in your interest to take back the possession of the shop since the person to whom your cousin brother's father had given it on rent has passed away. If it was an old pagdi system type of rental, the son of the deceased can claim the transfer of tenancy rights in his name.

Since the shop has been closed for the past three years, it is advisable to call the Police and open it in their presence should there be any foul play.


FCA Prashant Chavan


(You can also mail me for any further on-line advice at

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Answered on 3/06/13, 4:55 am

dear client...

The person who have ownership title is the owner of the shop one have to proof in cout with the written records that the shop belong to him for any further help contact at

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Answered on 3/06/13, 5:14 am

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