Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India
Dear Sir, i am in India for the last 12 years. Was completely immersed in spiritual work and contemplation without leaving my room. I am a foreigner, but i gave up extending my passport and visa 10 years ago.
2 years back i came out into the world to do free service to the needy.I did not leave the town where i stay and did not move around much. Now, by God's will, i was blessed with the presence of a really divine person who loves me immensely and after 2 months i will give birth to a child.
My question is what can be done for me to register out marriage and continue to stay in India, considering the absence of passport and visa with me for so many years. My partner is a foreigner (of a different country than me) with proper passport and entry visa. Consulate of my country cannot promise the issue of a new passport to me.At least in near future. We are afraid that it may trouble our child at the time of delivery in a hospital here and afterwards.
Thank you so much.
2 Answers from Attorneys
how can your own country refuse to issue a duplicate passport to you. you gotta establish your citizenship first, in order to seek reliefs here in india. however, it is advisable to meet a lawyer in person for the solution.
Mr.Gupta is right.
It will be good to meet some local lawyer or send us your detail, location and your country detail and may be we can help you.
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