Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

Dear sir,

Govt. acquired some extend my grandpa's land for railway project and asked as to receive the compensation amount but my grandpa is not alive now his son's are not co operating to take legal heir, my father is his elder son & he has further 2 sons and 2 daughters. we want to get our share alone from the total compensation awarded by the govt.

1) what should we want to do for getting our share alone ?

thks n advance

Asked on 3/17/11, 10:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sanjay Kalra Sanjay Kalra & Associates

You should approach the govt. and inform them that the owner of the land has died and you are the legal heirs of him. The compensation should be paid to you all. make representation and proof of your right over the property as a legal heir.

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Answered on 3/17/11, 11:52 pm

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