Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

i had filed one appliction under the right to information Act before the pio of distt ansd session judge but the pio did not reply than i had filed before the Distt and session judge who is FAA under right to information Act which been dismiss by the FAA than i had filed an appel before the commission in which the distt and session judge is giving in writing stsatement that my application is to be dismiss for the reason that i had filed frevilous alleged complainant against some judicail office its true that i had filed a complaint against those judicial officer who were passing illegal ordder i,d the plaintiff reqwuested the dates by his councel as tyhe plaintiff counce did not requested the date when i came to know such order were passwing by the presiding officer of the court than i had lodged a complainaznt with the law minister which been forwrded to the RG punjab and haryana high court chandigarh but i were not called any let ,me know can i file a petition with the supreme court of india public interest litigation against such officer who had insulted me before the commission

Asked on 8/14/09, 9:00 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sudershan Goel India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate

In court orders you should take out only appropriate legal remedies by way of appeal / revision etc.

Filing of complaint against Judicial Officer (s) for passing alleged wrong /illegal order may not help.

The judicial system is unlike administrative system. Since the so called illegal /wrong orders passed by the lower judicial officers can be challenged before the next higher court by way of appeal / revision, the complaints against judicial officer should be avoided.

however, you may seek transfer of your case from one court to another or from one place to another if you are suffering any prejduice/bias in the hands of any particular court.

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Answered on 8/14/09, 12:17 pm

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