Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in India

We have a forefather's home as a property in Karnataka want to divide into two brothers, elder brother has his own home in Maharashtra. For his work reason he has settled there from more than 20 years. Younger brother stays in forefather's home. Parents are expired before 2 years but they have not written any will. Younger brother took care of the parents till their life time. How the property can be divided? Can the younger one get more share since he had looked at the parents?

Asked on 3/05/13, 11:55 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Jayesh Desai Jayesh Desai

Strictly legally, both get equal share. However; brothers may mutually allow one another larger share, it is up-to brothers to amicably give more to the other.

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Answered on 3/05/13, 11:58 pm

dear client...

Both brother have equal right over the can divide the property by mutual partition suit... if you need the deed to be drafted the reply me at [email protected]

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Answered on 3/06/13, 3:47 am

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