Legal Question in Technology Law in India

Bollywood Radio Station.


I am interested in starting an online Bollywood Radio Station playing music from top Indian movies. The only concern I have is whether I am violating any copyright laws. Here in he UNITED STATES, you are required to pay ROYALTY FEES to the RIAA (A company jointly run by the top US LABEL records) in order to publicy broadcast the music. Is there such a ''law'' in India?

The Server playing the Music will be located in the USA, however, the company running the station is located in the UK. Please advise.

(Several lawyers from the US and UK have advised us to contact Indian Lawyers located in India.)


Asked on 8/17/04, 9:23 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Jayesh Desai Jayesh Desai

Re: Bollywood Radio Station.

Yes, you are required to take permission from the respective copy right owners.

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Answered on 8/18/04, 8:02 am
Kumar Manish Kalp Associates

Re: Bollywood Radio Station.

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your mail of even date.

Please be informed that there are bodies in India like the RIAA in United States. These bodies in India needs to be approached for appropriate permissions and licenses for broadcasting music from Indian movies. However in order to frame a detailed opinion on the queries raised by you, it is important for us to know the following details:

(1) The place where the Company running the Radio Station (for short �the Company�) has its registered office?

(2) Whether the Company has any subsidiaries or branch offices in India?

(3) Whether the Company would be engaged solely in broadcasting music from films?

(4) Whether, there will be just online Radio Station or online Radio Station along with Normal Radio Station?

As soon as we have the details asked for hereinabove, we shall be able to advise you on the various steps and procedure involved in the process.

Should you require any information/clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Thanks & Regards

Kumar Manish


Kalp Advocates & Consultants

909, Pragati Towers

26, Rajendra Place

New Delhi - 110008

Tel: +91 11 51539493

Fax: +91 11 51539793


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Answered on 8/18/04, 10:32 am

Re: Bollywood Radio Station.

If you broadcast Indian songs over internet or by any other means and you do not take permission from the copy rights owner, then you violate international copy right laws. So you must get permission from them to broadcast their songs.

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Answered on 8/17/04, 10:51 pm

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