Legal Question in Consumer Law in India
In a competition I took part in, there was this clause:
"Where the Benefits under the current Program are items/goods, these shall be subject to availability. Microsoft Corporation India Pvt Ltd. at its discretion can provide alternate items of equivalent value. Pictures of the items/goods shown in the Program website and/or announcement mailers may differ from the items/goods given."
Some winners in the competition got a mobile phone worth $450, and others got phones worth $250. Does this mean this clause was breached? This is a mobile developer contest, if that has any bearing.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Dear Sir / Madam,
Going strictly by the terms and conditions stipulated for the competition, no clauses were breached by the Company. The Company may have judged and awarded the winners based on the value of their contribution in the competition.
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Based on the inputs given by you, it cannot be said that there is any breach of the terms and conditions. To give a proper advice the entire terms and conditions have to be studied and then only it will be possible to give legal opinion. There will be several clauses which may have a bearing on the whole concept of this competition.
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