Legal Question in Criminal Law in India
dera law gurus,
law says that giving dowry by brides' parents is also illegal crime besides demanding it.i read many news in papers where girls' parents were arrested as they gave dowry,when they made complaint against boy for demanding dowry.
but why courts ordered arrest of girls' parents when giving dowry is like a compulsory bribe?
if they dont give dowry they fear that their girl will not get good partner who is educated,earning well etc.and if they become idealists and pledge not to give it they also fear harassment of girl after marriage and perhaps marriage break up.
or else the daughter will not get married for many years till an "ideal" man comes across who pledges not to take a single rupee.
there is also possibility that she may find a boy who is less educated or handicapped or divorced etc and therefore not demading dowry
under all above situations girls' parents are forced to give dowry.
educated boys are sold like expensive products.the one ready to pay more will get them while idealists will keep lookingg.
so Courts ordering arrests of girls' parents who gave dowry is inhumane treatment to them who are already under pressure to find a good match and there foret have no option but to give dowry
what is your opinion to girls' parents in such scenario who want a good match for their daughters?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Behave sensibly.
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