Legal Question in Criminal Law in India
In India if a person commits adultery with a woman in mutual consents the man would be punished .........
1. in this adultery is the woman punishable also or not... if not why?
2. adultery is a crime in India , Why the government does not punish those who have companies for supplying sex in exchange of money...... If they have license for this action what is the reason for law to give license? what is the benefit of govt for supplying license to them? Isn't it against public morality or society
1 Answer from Attorneys
1. Woman is not a guilty party in adultery even if she could be the seductress;
2. The companies you have mentioned are doing that business taking a huge risk; they are constantly chased and prosecuted. THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY LICENSE.
3. One may possibly go to a prostitute legally if he is without a living spouse. Consensual sex by a man with any woman (including prostitutes) outside of wedlock is a ground for cruelty and divorce and the man can be prosecuted by his spouse or her relatives.
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