Legal Question in Criminal Law in India

How PAN card helps me to get Maintenance

Dear Sir,

I am wife of Mr. X. I lodged the following cases c.r.p.c 125.i.p.c 498A and 406 againest Mr X, in the court of 3rd judicial magistrate in Sealdha , Kolkata(lower court) in the year 2003.

During the case I could not produce any record againest the monthly pay roll of Mr.X,

Mr. X did not attend the court on any date. .On the final day of hearing Mr X also did not attend the court and the final judgement was passed on 15.5.04 in favour of me and Rs. 5000 per month was fixed as my maintenance with the arriear frm the date of filing of the case that is on 16.8.03

Mr.X moved the uppar court to redress the judgement but the upper court diracted the lowear court to re-trial the case once again so that mr.X can defend himself at this time. The case in qusetion started in the lowear court again but in this time Mr X joined a new organisation (IBM) at Kolkata, at this time I could produce the true copy of the pay roll of the IBM with the help of court.So the judge fixed the maintenance frm the date of his joining on IBM (4.7.2005) and fix it Rs. 10,000 per month.At present I could manage a xerox copy of the PAN card of Mr X. I want know is it possible to get my maintenance frm 16.8.3 with the help of such PAN card?How?

Asked on 1/21/08, 1:48 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: How PAN card helps me to get Maintenance

Yes,by way of pan card you may summon the IT records of your husband and can claim higher maintainance in court.

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Answered on 1/21/08, 10:17 am
Shrichand Nahar S.V.Nahar, Advocate

Re: How PAN card helps me to get Maintenance

PAN Card is not the proof of income. You need to adduce proof of his income like pay roll, income tax returns (which are easy to locate with the help of PAN).

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Answered on 1/22/08, 3:13 am

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