Legal Question in Criminal Law in India
Parent represent child in court
- Can either father or monther represent their accused kid (juvenile) in the court and defend with arguments?
5 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Parent represent child in court
Yes you can. You can also request the court to provide free legal aid.
You may send us your detail our legal associates can easily tackle this situation.
Regional office, Chandigarh
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Our team consists retired judges and Senior Advocates also.
We are able to guide and solve the cases efficiently.
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We strive for your rights.
Good Luck.
Re: Parent represent child in court
Re: Parent represent child in court
yes, the natural guardian may assist the child but with the permission of the court
Re: Parent represent child in court
Yes, the guardian may assist their ward; However, you may also request the court to provide free legal aid and the court may appoint a lawyer to defend the accused.
Re: Parent represent child in court
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