Legal Question in Discrimination Law in India
dear Sir
My father left his house died in 1981 and since then my brothers were enjoying the house and they informally partitioned the house and have been enjoying since then, we are totally five children 3 daughters and two sons.
now the daughters want a share of the house property.the sons are not keen to give our due share.
what is the legal remedy?
the first daughter got married in 1960 second 1972 and third 1979
can we proceed legally?
2 Answers from Attorneys
File a partition suit.
For any further enquiry please contact us.
With Regards
Global Legist
Advocates and Legal Consultants
+91 9873400403
as your father died in 1981, your suit for partition may be time barred and even the provisions and amendments of 2005 may not apply.
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