Legal Question in Family Law in India

How can i bring my wife to my home...?

I have done my registry on 14th Feb-08 in love with Dolly Singh.

Her parents promise me to done a social ceromany in Nov-08 and will send her to my home but since Nov-2008 they always excuse regarding this mater; On Feb-09 we have a some miss understanding I in loss of temperment i put my hands on her.In angry she cut her vien by blade,I took her to hospital and treated her properly with my expenditure.But since then she & her parents does agree to make social with me and they demanding for divorce but I realy love her alot;I dont want to lost her please advice me if i can get her by any legal way; Bcos I know i cann't live without her.I realy want to pass our happy marriage life,I don't want to Divorce to or by her.My parents has visited her home several but they refuse to talk about this mater and said my daughter will not go to ur home.

Please sir show me some way by which i could get back my legal wife or love; I love her more than any thing in the world; I promise her to never slap her any more ever in entire life.I know her parents had washing up her mind and pocking against me so I just want to bring her in my home.If once she will come, She realy will feel and realise How I love her;Please help me sir.

Asked on 5/20/09, 4:17 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Aniruddha Pawse Aniruddha.P.Pawse Advocates

Re: How can i bring my wife to my home...?

you can contact a local sr family law lawyer for help as i am in different state

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Answered on 5/20/09, 8:22 am

Re: How can i bring my wife to my home...?

Pease dont go by legal means. Else she can file many cases on you.

There is a way under section 9 of HMA to get your wife back but my advise is try to talk to your wife and feel sorry through roses or else whatever she likes else you are a loser. You are not strong beacuse you beat your wife on petty matter. Any how gud luck



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Answered on 5/20/09, 8:33 am
Sudershan Goel India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate

Re: How can i bring my wife to my home...?

You may be guilty of 'cruelty" and may suffer criminal prosecution which may also visit you with a possible jail term.

Try to settle the matter amicably in your own interest.

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Answered on 5/22/09, 5:46 am

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