Legal Question in Family Law in India

Dear sir,My divorce case has been filed on 2010. marriage was on 3rd dec 2009. after staying for few days i came back home. reason is husband has medical problem and physically incapable (impotent). disclosed all the facts on the same day.

all my valuables were taken off by his parents and sister. i sensed that my life was in danger in that house and managed to come out from there.

2 counselling and 2mediation is over. in the second mediation his lawyer interogated me in the presence of the mediator.

still they have not filed objection asked 2months time for filing objection. the purpose is to drag the case how much possible without giving my valuables.

in all these procedure my life is getting wasted. maintenance is not filed so far by lawyer. the reason told to me is that since i stayed in that house for few days it would be difficult to get maintenance. since it was a marriage done for benefit after concealing the phyical defects (was under the influence of drugs) can i not get back my gold and marriage expenditure.

kindly reply at the earliest



Asked on 4/02/11, 10:21 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Sanjay Kalra Sanjay Kalra & Associates

Yes you should get everything by now. What cases have you filed till date. have you filed a petition under the Domestic Violence act for maintenance etc. have you filed any complaint before crime against women Cell to get your istridhan etc and to punish your husband for palying a fraud ? have you filed divorce ?

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Answered on 4/02/11, 10:33 am
Bennet Master of Law Bennet Raj Law Office

You ought to have raised Domestic violence complaint or Cruelty Complaint before filing of Divorce Case. The DV complaint after filing Divorce will not be effective. BUT YOU HAVE NO WAY. So, dont delay to file DV complaint. If you clutch him under criminal case, he will not try to drag the case. If he contest the case, the same may go for more than one year. You will get quick remedy if he set exparte. Your name shows you may be from south. For further details you may call me for remedies.

J. Bennet Raj, M.L., Advocate

Bennet Raj Online Legal Solutions


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Answered on 4/02/11, 11:31 am
shiv shakner saini saini law

when you got married with an impotent man then your marriage is null and voide under Hindu marriage Act. I dont understand that why your advocate is not filing other cases against them? feel fre to contcet on 09587744142

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Answered on 4/02/11, 1:39 pm

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