Legal Question in Family Law in India


There are one couple x and y.When they have married in the age of early stage ,the girl have 16 years and boy had 21 years.They lived together for 12years.But they have not any children.Because x(husband)had infertility about the result of sperm speciman reports.They got somuch longer treatment.Even there is no use.Somewhat depression with inferiority feeling happened to the husband, he has harassing that girl.And he committed some sexual connections with other girls.Before his wife,he is doing nasty doings,sexual things with the other girls.The wife suffered alot with that husband.He habituate to liquor also.He much taking liquor and comes late to nights to the home and beating that girl.when she got irritation, the home make like hell.Being that period, his sexual contacts has developed rapidly.he sent the girl to her father's home.And he filed a case for divorse.And he threatened like anything to his father-in-law.His father-in-law have higher grade Gazetted Officer.Then he threatened by his son-in-law,he convinced his daughter and they have given divorce with mutual consent in lok adalat.Then x has taken y's sthridhana properties all.He didn't gave any maintainance also.His father in law accepted for everything.---Continued

Asked on 3/31/05, 12:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Devashish Bharuka Bharuka Associates

Re: divorse

It seems your question is incomplete. It just ends with '----continued'. I am not clear what your question is.

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Answered on 4/01/05, 4:59 am

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