Legal Question in Family Law in India

Already DVC and 498A is running inthe court my husband is not living with me

in my house which is on my father-in-law named house i am alone with my 5 years old son. In vacations i went to my mother then came came to my home and opened door without my knowledge and shifted all articals to my mother's

place and kept out side of the aprtment. Immediately we informed police near by my house and i found my gold neckless and 10,000/- cash also missed the same complained in police station. He given written apology to ps and taken all article and kept in the same place also. But in FIR they mentioned that article shifted without my knowledge on 08/09/11 and complaint received them 18/09/11. But in between they called hime taken opology and again shifted all article back.

When my mother asked about articals

he used very abused work againt my mother i given writting compalint mentioning that the article misplaced and he used abused words agaist my mother.

Then the police si given FIR booked case against 509 section. now the summons reached to my husband.

Now i too attend the court and i too take my person lawyer or public procecuter will be there. can i tell that my article are misplaced in front of judge

pl. advise me in this regard. How many days will take to clear and what punishment will be there to my husband.

Asked on 5/31/12, 8:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735)

sec 509 does not cover all your grievances and you seek help of a lawyer and file a complaint under appropriate sections.

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Answered on 6/02/12, 2:03 am

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