Legal Question in Family Law in India
family law
i am married one and half months back.But during this time i came to know all the lies tat my husband told to me.first one is about his education.He has completed his schooling in 1994 and in 2006 he compeleted his post graduation.he took 12 months to complete hid studies.when my family asked the query of his l;ate start of job they simply said tat he was preparing for medical enterance.he has got supplementary in 12th class and he has not give his papers again as he is not having his mark sheet.tis is the first lie tat they he told lie about his consumption of alcohol and gutkha.i clearly asked and he refused after marriage i came to know he take both of them.thirdly he told tat he is feeling very weak so he cannot involve in physical relations with me for two months and for curing this he is taking ayurvedic medicines.but now he is denying this.he also harrassed me mentally and physically during this my family says me tat this is not enough to take divorce.this are not important issues.his education is not important issue.i cant get divorce on this reasons.this all r foolish reasons.kindly help me in this as i want to divorce tat person as well i don't need any alimony.
7 Answers from Attorneys
Re: family law
i have already adviced you
Re: family law
If your husband is unable to perform the sexual relation with you after marriage than you may file case on this ground for the nullity of the marriage and the period is one year.
You may also file divorce case against your husband on the ground of cruelty and impotency.
In all the above remedy you are entitled for miantenance
Re: family law
For divorce,minimum one year of marriage is necessary to be completed but Nullment of marriage can be sought.Contact with details.
Re: family law
This is very silly things better to try to understaqnd one another to lead happy marrital life.
Except telling lies you have not stated any strong reason for divorce.
However the grouds for divorce are a. Curelity. b. bigamy. c. Phycical Harassment. d. Mental Harassment. e. Not heard for 2 years. f. Not heard for 7 years. g. failed to provide necessities. h. Impotencey. i. Un-curable Decease. j. Un-curable leprasy etc.,
Re: family law
go ahead consult a lawyer in person and get it done!
before that decide what you are going to do after the divorce.
divorce is not the end of all. it is just another begining! plan, gather the situtation analyse and set things right for a life ahead.
best of luck!
Re: family law
good evening
consult a lawyer in personal
good luck !!
family law
you are entitled to a decree of divorce by filing an appropriate petition in family court.