Legal Question in Family Law in India
Family law question
Is it a ground for divorce where from the begnining of the marriage the relation does not exist between husband and wife? for every pretty issues they frequently fought and there is no space for reconcile. If they are not co haviting for the last 3-4 months can it be a ground for divorce?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Family law question
Al least 1 year separation must required. The above stated is a ground for divorce.
Re: Family law question
No, that itself is not a ground for divorce.
You may refer to various provisions of Hindu Marriage Act (if you are a Hindu and governed by Hindu Law)for grounds of divorce.
However, if the marriage could not be "consummated", in that situation, depending upon reasons of non-consummation, it may be a ground for divorce.
You should think of divorce for minor differences. in family life there are likely to be differences between husband and wife;that alone is not a ground for divorce.