Legal Question in Family Law in India
Right to fight for dad's property
My dad has made his will or not i am not aware as my brother is not in talking terms with me.i am not sure that my DAD registered his will or no if at all he is made it .can i claim my share in the property if will is made and registered ? or else what is the way where i can ask for my share .We are two sisters & 1 brother.He has his own 4 bedroom flat also & earning preety well salary.
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Right to fight for dad's property
You may file a civil suit in the local court claiming your share in the property.
Re: Right to fight for dad's property
If Will is made then property will be disposed off according to will and you cannot claim it. If possible contact personally for full details. Consulting chgs Rs 100/- only.
Re: Right to fight for dad's property
if it is your fathers self acquired property and if he has made a will then it will be distributed as per the will if there is no will all chidren will get equal share
Re: Right to fight for dad's property
file a suit for partition.
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