Legal Question in Family Law in India

How do I find out about the property (real estate, bank accounts etc.) my Hindu father owned in India (Punjab) before he died? How and where do I claim my share? His late family is not giving me any proper information - and it is some years ago that he died. Unfortunately I came to know only some months ago. The house of our father - so I was told by my brother who said he also did not get anything - was handed over to the wife before he died. Also that he sold his agricultural land before he died: living from that money. Ancestral property sold by himself and eaten up the money. According to my brother our father never worked or acquired anything himself - only giving ancestral land on lease and finally selling it because he needed the money for living. I tried to get information at the Tehsildar about the real estate (agricultural land according to my brother was in a far away district). Tehsildar wanted the plotnumbers and I do not know the plotnumbers. I went to the municipality to find out who is paying the water bill of the house and the water bill was still in the name of my father's father who expired some decades back. Iwas born extramarital abroad before my father went back to India and founded a family in India. I almost never got the court order maintenance money. And the right to claim maintenance has expired in both countries. An expensive business house was build by a third party partly in my father's garden after his death. One neighbor told that this garden was on lease from the municipality. To transfer the rights of lease to the business house owner the widow might have a received a lot of (black?) money. How can I claim my rights? The widow and her four children plus me: is everyone entitled to an equal share? Not only selfacquired but also ancestral? How could I find a lawyer highly qualified, not corrupt and really efficient? Are there lawyer fees dictated by the law which I could look up in the internet. And court fees for claiming my rights? I have a death certificate of my father and I am a PIO Card holder (name of father is given inside). Is this sufficient to go to the local court and claim my rights to inherit?

Asked on 11/22/12, 3:10 pm

2 Answer from Attorneys

Sanjay Kalra Sanjay Kalra & Associates

I have already informed you . Best of luck . Please check Sanjay Kalra and Associates on the internet to know more about our law firm and the legal services we are rendering for our clients from all over the World.

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Answered on 11/22/12, 11:16 pm

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