Legal Question in Family Law in India
I asked question yrsterday that if i make a relationship outside after filing a divorce case i.e. 498a.
Is it illegal??The new person in my life is trustworthy and helpful to me in all ways.And how could it will harm my case.I got the answer that if my husband proves the relation in court then i will not get the claim of my case.But my husband has filed restitution of conjugal rights against me,further he has approached to mediation center allahabad where i have to go wen date will come.I will not go back at any cost as i am fed up completely.And one of you has told that legally my husband could not make a case of adultery against me after divorce case is filed. So please tell me the possibilities??? Legally Will COURT accepts a girl guity if she has relations after divorce case is filed???
1 Answer from Attorneys
ours is just an opinion. your facts are in piecemeal. Once a divorce is filed, the grounds of adultery can always be added. Be as that it may, to go back or not is your prerogative.