Legal Question in Family Law in India
can a hindu boy marry a muslim girl , if yes how it is possible what are its formalities and if done as per hindu rites without conversion what is its effect ?
Asked on 4/19/10, 8:48 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
in case the girl is ready to convert to Hinduism, then the marriage can also take place under Hindu Marriage Act and in case she does not want to convert, the marriage may be registered under Special Marriage Act.
Answered on 4/19/10, 11:17 pm
Sudershan Goel
India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate
The girl may need not to undergo conversion. They may marry as per Hindu rites and ceremonies and get their marriage registered.
Answered on 4/25/10, 11:28 pm