Legal Question in Family Law in India
we are hindus and married as per hindu marriage act in husband desserted me and my 2 years old daughter. i have filed for maintainance for myself and my minor daughter in indian family court. myhusbadn lives in USA on H1B my husband did not respond to family court summons. the family court asked me about proof of my husband income in USA. I know that he was working for a company-X/Employer-X in USA till 2008. but I do not know whether he is still working for the same employer. but company-X has been sponsering green card for my husband. my husband's green card which was filed by company-X is still under processing. if company-X provide my husband's past salary details (i.e , when he was with them) , then my problem will be sloved. in this case , how to get salary details from company-X which is in USA?
my lawyer told me, even if we request company-X, company-X may refuse our request stating that indian court has no jurisidiction to ask the salary details of my husband.
pls advise me how to get salary details from company-X.
tahnsk in advance.
2 Answer from Attorneys
Approach the company personally and get the detail.