Legal Question in Family Law in India

hello i am from india.A wife who was kicked from house by husband and his mother.3 years before we married.After just one month,my husband started abusing me physically.His mother and other family memebers did lot of emotional harrasment of mine.He under their influence always use to injure me physically.About 22 times he physically abused me.Once i called police,but out of emotional attchment did not allowed him to get arrested.Atlast after i beared so much..i did not left him.But this April he and his mother kicked me out of our home.He not even cared if i have money or support.Now we are seperated,but yet to file divorce.What way i can work out all this?Please help.

Asked on 8/23/12, 11:25 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735) [email protected]

You have right to maintenance and can also file a complaint under domestic violence act. In case cruelty was inflicted for dowry then offence u/s 498a and 406 can be made out. If you cannot afford a lawyer u may contact. LSA at district court.

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Answered on 8/23/12, 11:45 pm

Madam the first thing is to file a maintenance Petition which can be done by filing criminal case under 125, and you can also claim other reliefs such as residence, or not to harass you or not to sell the property or attach his salary etc which are provided under domestic violence act. Further you can file a Divorce Petition and also claim maintenance or permanent alimony in the same Petition. for more details contact me.

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Answered on 8/24/12, 7:09 am
Aniruddha Pawse Aniruddha.P.Pawse Advocates

i agree with Adv Gupta

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Answered on 9/06/12, 4:45 am

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