Legal Question in Family Law in India
my intuition inlows background is not strong financially.and i filed my complaint in women cell.without taking advice with advocate,they refused to take me back in their written statement.and now i ll take action agaist them.after knowing my decision of go back to matrimonial home,they refused intentionally.means they are playing their game for pressuring us to get down us in front of inlows of all does with father of daughterinlow.
are they prepared to give me divorce?but husband and fatherinlow's total income only 160000.
would they take me to matrimonial through the pressure of lodging 125act for maintenance.i ll not give divorce. i want to go back at there.
2 Answer from Attorneys
FIle a complaint in NCW/CAW/125 CrPC/ and Divorce petition along with one time permanent alimony. To know us better, please click on the links below: