Legal Question in Family Law in India
How to proceed with a divorce application if both are residing in u.k. with minor daughters. They were married in India under Special Marriage Act and Muslim rites One of them is Muslim and one is roman catholic
Asked on 6/03/10, 12:42 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
you can send a power of attorney duly notarized by the notary public in favour of your lawyer and/or your next friend and the divorce proceedings can be initiated and none of you may have to appear in india.
Answered on 6/03/10, 12:47 am
Sudershan Goel
India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate
As advised before, they may file a case for divorce in UK.
Answered on 6/04/10, 7:45 am