Legal Question in Family Law in India


divorced filed by husband in 2008 giving wrong address of Delhi on rent as matrimonial home instead of Noida.. All the statement says living in Delhi.

He submitted the affidavite as under:-


I �..R/o ��..Delhi��.Oath as under:-


2) that the accompanying petition u/s 13 (1) (ia) of h.m.a 1955 has been drafted by counsel under my instruction . the contents of the same are true and correct to my knowledge and belief and the same may be read as a part and parcel of this affidavit as are not being repeated here in for the shake of brevity.


Q1--- If all portion of the case is not repeated in affidavit� will all the portion be considered as in the affidavit.

Q2�if the address proved as false then will he be punished under 340CrPC ? on basis of the above affidavit.

Q3---House land lord is in witness list, if he does not come to court. Will it be helpful to prove wrong addresss?

Asked on 2/18/13, 10:20 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Sanjay Kalra Sanjay Kalra & Associates

The answer to your questions are here in below :-

1) NO

2) YES

3) YES

Please check Sanjay Kalra and Associates on the internet to know more about our law firm and the legal services we are rendering for our clients from all over the World.

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Answered on 2/19/13, 3:02 am
Jayesh Desai Jayesh Desai

Yes you can prosecute him.

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Answered on 2/23/13, 9:01 am

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