Legal Question in Family Law in India

Sir, I got my second marriage after getting divoirce from the first which was a mutual one in 2007. Now i got married again in 2011 Feb with one girl who was also divoircy ( her husband applied it on the basis of that she used to torture him mentally) Since I got suffered with my first marriage so i thought the girl must have suffered and we can lead a happy life. but regret that she is becoming more hostile in nature. offenly she threat me for suicide if i dont listen to her. mostly she prompt me to arguement. Some time she leave home for 2/3 days and come at her own. i have inform all this to her parents and its seems that she even dont respect them and listen to them. I try to make her understand but inturn she go wild and abuse me in loud voice. She some time threat me to kill with hired person. if i am out she calls me and without any reason fight over phone and use bad word about me and my family etc. She is made my life miserable. I have all the recording ( phone ) + Sms send by her. I am sure becouse of this only her first husband divoirced her and now I stuck up there. I sure that her parent also aware of her behaviour but they just dont care for it now. they are least bother and I am suffering for it. Last 10 months are just a hell for me. Can any one please suggest me what to do? can I apply divoice again? Surely it become impossible now to leave with her. Please help me. Thanks . Venkat.

Asked on 2/02/12, 10:53 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735)

yes, you can apply for divorce again on the ground of cruelty and elaborate all the instances mental cruelty viz. threat of suicide etc....and other instances of cruelty.

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Answered on 2/02/12, 11:14 pm
Aniruddha Pawse Aniruddha.P.Pawse Advocates

Yes you can apply for divorce again on ground of cruelty.

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Answered on 2/03/12, 2:47 am

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