Legal Question in Family Law in India

What would be the status of a marriage if a minor boy is forcfuly married to decessed brother's wife..and later have children with her.but after few year he got married again to someone he has two daughter with the girl he legally married to.who will get the property n policy amount

Asked on 2/02/13, 11:46 am

5 Answers from Attorneys

Setu Niket Curare Legal

First marriage is void (when he was minor) second is valid, second wife and daughters will get the compensation amount.

Setu Niket



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Answered on 2/02/13, 7:05 pm
Sanjay Kalra Sanjay Kalra & Associates

The 1st marriage was voidable marriage and subsequently he married again attaining the age of majority then the 2nd marriage is valid marriage .......Please check Sanjay Kalra and Associates on the internet to know more about your query and the legal services we are rendering for our clients from all over the World.

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Answered on 2/03/13, 11:05 pm
Jayesh Desai Jayesh Desai

Need more facts to give a proper answer. What is the custom / practice in the cast/ sub-cast of the boy? etc.

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Answered on 2/05/13, 12:26 am

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