Legal Question in Family Law in India

Ten years back my husband passed away due to brief illness. I am now 40 years old. when my husband passed away i had two sons aged 6 years and 6 months. I got remarried five years back only on assurance that my second husband would take care of my kids. He was also a divorcee and having a daughter who is living with her mother. After having another son(out of our remarriage), my husband does'nt even care to talk to my kids. He has not legally adopted them. He does'nt want to take them anywhere out i.e on social occasions, weddings, parties etc., Is it a must for the step father to adopt the step children? What is is legal responsibility?? Could you please explain about children\'s rights. what is solution for these children? (I am a working woman)

Asked on 7/24/11, 8:50 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Santosh Goswami,Advocate sure shot legal

Dear client

You have already committed a mistake. You should have told your new husband to adopt your children legally at the time of marriage.Can you do it now? It would be better for the children's right.


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Answered on 8/01/11, 4:56 am

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