Legal Question in Family Law in India
my wife has filed against me section 97 for i went to her parents place and the 4 yr old girl came with me. is it possible or even legal to file a search warrant case against the real father of the child? i challenged the summons by the lower court in the h/c to quash 97, but the h/c recommended the child be returned, and which was done. now, under this circumstances, does this case stand any longer?
pl advise asap, as my lawyer is unfortunately quite novice and am totally misguided & confused.
Asked on 9/24/10, 11:43 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
i would like to go thorugh the entire set of records including her complaint and high court order.
Answered on 9/25/10, 12:15 am