Legal Question in Family Law in India
If wife proof in court that her husband was unable to produce child or husband is medically unfit for become father then-
Q1 could wife get divource on the above ground?
Q2 If yes, then could husband is liable to pay any type of maintenance to her ?
Asked on 10/14/11, 2:54 am
4 Answers from Attorneys
Chandrawat, Call- +91-8109444689
Litigation Expert & Legal Advisor (
1. Yes
2. Why maintenance... if husband is not ready for divorce or separation.
Answered on 10/14/11, 3:11 am
Sanjay Kalra
Sanjay Kalra & Associates
The answers to your queries are here in below :-
1) Yes
2) Yes ,during the pendency of the divorce matter interim maintenance and at the time of Divorce -Alimony.
Answered on 10/14/11, 3:22 am
(Cell: +91 9811284735)
unable to father a child is no ground for divorce and in case such a petition is filed, rather the husband can sue her for cruelty.
Answered on 10/14/11, 5:30 am
Sudershan Goel
India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate
Answered before. duplicate question.
Answered on 10/14/11, 10:01 am