Legal Question in Civil Litigation in India

1-My neighbor filed a case against me in CPC stating that owner of the land has made registry of 160 yards in my name(me) while he was having registry of

just 130 yards, which is affecting him, the court provided the stay on hearing this.

2-After this I submitted an application letter, that the extra 30 yard of land belongs to whom? Is it of PWD or is it of Municipal Corporation?

Court ordered to measure the land by amin report on my expense and take the information from local department and without amin report disposal

of 6C-2 is not possible.

3-During the stay petitioner has occupied some land of mine and against which I have filed a case of contempt of court.

4-Amin report cleared that his(neighbor) land is 30 yards extra and my land is less than my registry. Muncipality and PWD gave in written that the 30 yards

extra land doesnot belongs to them.

5- Just after that, new judge came and disposed 6C-2 and confirmed the stay and wrote in order that amin report will be seen in evidence.

Petitioner gave a Review Application letter that you have dishonored earlier order and consideration of Amin report is mandatory in 6C-2 in accordance to the


6- After that opponent took the time for objection against the review, and now instead of giving objection, he is taking adjournment one after another.

7- During this Opponent broke the lock of petitioner property and entered inside, Opponent is a criminal of a political party and no help is expected from



What should the petitioner do in court by which quick action can happen?

9-On calcellation of Review application of petitioner does revision or appeal will lie; and if yes, then what and in which section it lies?

Asked on 9/05/12, 11:49 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735)

He may approach the high court under article 227 of constitution of India.

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Answered on 9/05/12, 8:45 pm
Aniruddha Pawse Aniruddha.P.Pawse Advocates

your lawyer can be your best guide.

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Answered on 9/05/12, 9:34 pm

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