Legal Question in Civil Litigation in India

Resignation after surety bond for government job


I joined as Scientist (class 1) in Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR), Varanasi during Oct' 2000. I gave a bond for Rs 85,000 against a period of four years service. Since, I find it unsafe for my family and myself due to continuous extortion threat in this region, I would like to resign from the job as my authorities declined my application for a transfer. On19th July, my wife's mangalasutra (5 tolas) was snatched at 5PM. I struggled for 5 days to lodge FIR. It was lodged due to interference of SSP, nut later I was receiving threatening calls. I could not send my kid to school in this region.

Kindly help out.

With regards

Asked on 8/11/02, 12:12 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

S.M.Habeeb Mohamed Law Office

Private Complaint before Magistrate

Dear Client,

The situation as alleged by you in the locality of a research center is really disheartening for scientist like you. Though there are legal protections for your safety and that of your family, they are theoritical. To make use of these legal protections from such threats,you have to file a private complaint before the local Magistrate. But I cannot say how far this would be practically effective. Such a step would be very difficult as you have to appear before the Magistrate several times on obtaining permission or leave from your superiors. It is a long drawn process. A scientist like you could not afford to spend your prescious time. You could request the telephone department to trace the threatening calls and find out the phone number of the person threatening and then make a report to the police. If the police is indifferent then you will have to file a private complaint to the Magistrate. Since you have executed a bond for four years, I think you could not resign before the expiry of four years. I could not give any legal advice without knowing the terms and conditions stipulated in the Bond executed by you. I would like to give you a practical adivise not a legal one. Our President is a scientist interested in protecting and promoting the interests and devolopment of young scientists in our country. He has been stressing the need for encouraging scientists to use their skills and scientific knowledge for the devolopment of our nation. You could very well write a detail letter to him about the situation prevailing in the locality of your research center and request His Excellency to take up the matter with the concerned authorities and to protect the scientist like you from such threats and vandalisms and to improve their working and living conditions for the betterment of our Nation.

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Answered on 12/31/69, 7:00 pm

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