Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India
Whether allowing to run a TASMAC Bar is a licence or lease?
Asked on 1/20/13, 1:45 am
3 Answers from Attorneys
Fca Prashant Chavan
Expert Edge LLP
Dear Sir / Madam, (Turaiyur, Srirangam, Tiruchirapalli)
Licence and lease have a different connotation.
Licence refers to the permission(s) obtained from the viewpoint of the Shops & Establishments Act, and the fulfillment of other prerequisites laid down by the local authorities to establish and run the business.
Lease refers to the mode of acquisition of the premises to run the bar business.
FCA Prashant Chavan
(You can also mail me for any further on-line advice at
Answered on 1/20/13, 2:54 am
Jayesh Desai
Jayesh Desai
It depends on what you want to give.
Answered on 1/22/13, 1:09 am
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