Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India
my mother has been carrying on a business for more than 25 years in the premises as a tenant after my fathers death and the said premises is in our family possession for more than 125 years. the landlord is not accepting rent due to some reason better known by him.
as my mother is now more than 60 years old and due in difference in her health, she is not able to carry out the business and she desires to give out an authority to an outside person to carry on the business completely by himself. however, documents and licenses would completely be in my mothers name.
i would request you to let me know whether the same is possible under maharashtra rent control act without putting our tenancy right at risk and the documentation that needs to be done.
thanks and regards,
3 Answers from Attorneys
Mr Shanky
you can give lease and licenses only to run the shop were as the tenance right shall be in ur name....
if you need the L&L to be drafted contact at
Dear Shanky,
Sub-letting of tenancy to a third party requires the prior consent and approval of the landlord to avoid any complications in future.
FCA Prashant Chavan
(You can also mail me for any further on-line advice at
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