Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India

L&L its fallouts etc.

my 83yr unmarried sster let her ownership flat on L&Lfor 11m on oral-promise/agrmnt''Rs3000/pm as compensation to be paid by 1st wk of month.3m''s payment was taken-no receipt issued possession given;following that i had great difficulty recovering dues which stands at rs50000/+&relactant to pay-vacate.11mL&L is already absence of written agrmnt what are the legal or other option available for possession-recovery of dues?Q2 should she have to give written notice before action?plse. give me draft if possible.Q3 what is %court fees for LADY-SENIORCETIZEN in Maharashtra? Qtime to get final orders from?court/authority?

Asked on 5/08/08, 6:26 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Aniruddha Pawse Aniruddha.P.Pawse Advocates

Re: L&L its fallouts etc.

Already replied

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Answered on 5/08/08, 8:20 am
Vijay Chandavale Advocate Vijay Chandavale & Associates

Re: L&L its fallouts etc.

presumption under law is that in absence of written registered agreement what tenant says is presumed to be correct and there is punishment for landlord who doesnot register the same Take it form me even u issue notice the licensee is bound to say that he is tenant and licensee There is no specific format of such notice There is no any concession to senior lady unless the said suit is for partition and limited purposes under said policy and in my opinion same is not applicable to ur case

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Answered on 5/14/08, 10:08 am

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