Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India
paghdi property
I was staying in a paghdi system landlord tenant which is in the name of my grandmother. we leave here since 1966 approx.
Now i alongwith my parents shifted to own house next building. My father still goes there for routine working and sleeping in the night. my spouse started conducting tuition on phonetics, general knowledge, drawing. will this be lawful and within right as paghdi tenant. once one of joint landlord came asking to stop claiming we don't stay here. kindly advice.
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: paghdi property
You may have a right to continue living in the premises without any interruption.
Re: paghdi property
Well!!! the landlord will have a strong case for eviction against you. However, we suugest you to consult a local lawyer.
Re: paghdi property
you can live in the paghdi house
Re: paghdi property
you can live in the paghdi house
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