Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in India
i have a running ancestral business in a commercial area since 1972 and timely updating the rent as asked by the land lord till dated and also had a recent agreement made in 2010 (unregistered) for the new enhanced rent along with advance with a yearly hike of 5% which was paid along with the TDS certificate and yesterday i have received a notice from their lawyer to vacate the premises with in 15 days, so pls help what step i should take
5 Answers from Attorneys
U have reply .to that notice immediately for assistance contact me
Dear Sir / Madam,
(Brigade Regency / Malleswaram / Milk Colony - Bengaluru, Karnataka)
Please refer to the terms and conditions of the Agreement for Leave & License (ALL) and check for your non-compliance or violation of any specified terms and conditions therein.
Registration is optional for a non-renewable ALL less than or equal to one year, and is mandatory if the tenure of the lease exceeds a year and contains a renewable clause therein. Applicable Stamp Duty has to be paid in both. Besides, the normal yearly hike is 10% of the previous year's lease charges.
Please weigh your options in the light of the above and taking into consideration your business potential and the importance of the location, renegotiate a settlement with the landlord.
FCA Prashant Chavan
(You can also mail me for any further on-line advice at
Contact a local lawyer, reply to the notice, and seek the local lawyers advise as to your chances of success. Based on this take decision as to fight or hand over the premises.
dear client....
You need to reply the notice...
if possible send me the notice copy at
so that better suggestion can me made...
with regards
Is the notice u/s 106 of Transfer of Property act ? Please clarify.........Please check Sanjay Kalra and Associates on the internet to know more about your query and the legal services we are rendering for our clients from all over the World.
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