Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India
i was adopted (no legal documents) by my uncle i.e. my biological fathers elder brother when i was one year old . henceforth my baptism certificate , school , college certificates all bearing my adopted parents name . they treated me as their own child. i was not aware of this adoption till i was 16 years of age . Now i am 36.i was a christian by birth, but now i am married to a muslim .Both my adopted parents have passed away one year back . My adopted parents have a son who is elder to me . now he is not giving my share of the property. Do i have the rights to the property? Can i file for a partition suit? what should i do? if i file a case will it become a fraud case because i do not have any legal documentataion regarding my adoption? i have met two three advocates but all are giving different guidances. please waiting for ur valuable reply. the said property is in kerala.
tibrewal sir, school certificate , ration card , pan card , baptism certificate all bear the name of the father who adopted me. is that enough to file the case? will i fall into trouble?
thank you sir for your valuable time and advise . can i get in contact with u if i have any further doubts.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Yes these are sufficient proof to declare your self and your father.
yes you can reach me at
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