Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India
Dear sir.
we are three brother, we have 30 acres of land in the name of father ( anestral land). my father make four eual part of land and distribute 3 part to we brother and one part with him, now my father given his share to my elder father legally tranfer his share to my brother. now land is in the name of my brother,can i claim to my brother for land
Asked on 9/05/10, 12:47 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
Vishwa Arya
Arya & Co.
after distributing the ancestral land equally, your father has given his share during his life time to his son (your brother). You have no right in that land.
Answered on 9/05/10, 9:38 am
Sudershan Goel
India Law Offices of Sudershan Goel - Advocate
Your rights will be confined to your share.
Answered on 9/05/10, 10:17 am
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