Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India

Question asked on 14/12/2009 I am enjoying temple property (agriculture land) which is adjacent to my property for more than twenty years. Now, a so called association of a temple which is not a registered one has forcefully occupied the land on personal vengance because I have filed a suit against them for selling another property belonging to the temple. Can an injunction be obtained from the honourable court for using the temple porperty which i was enjoying so far .

Your (Mr. Rajiv Gupta)answer on 15/12/2009 yes, for that you need to prove that you were in possession earlier and you were illegally dispossessed from the property by the miscreants. you can obtain an injunction on the grounds of your earlier possession. you need to file the suit for possession

My second Question : I do not have any documentary proof other than few villagers who can be witness. Pl let me know still i will be eligible for an injunction( Many Thanks for the earlier reply )

Asked on 12/14/09, 9:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735) [email protected]

in case there is no documentary evidence of your ownership, you may not succeed in getting injunction.

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Answered on 12/14/09, 11:35 pm

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