Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India
The rental agreement with my tenant will expire next month. I have enquired regarding renewal of the contract and there has been no satisfactory reply. In case he decides to leave upon expiry of the agreement, can I withold 2 monts rent from the advance money? As per the original agreement, I can withold the money if there is no sufficient notice period. But the complication now is that the agreement expires next month.
4 Answers from Attorneys
You cannot withhold any dues if he vacates on expiry of the agreement. He is not required to give you any notice prior to vacation on expiry.
Mr.Sudershan is right. Instead you have to send notice to vacate the house before expiry.
You cannot withhold any dues if he vacate premises if there is no damage.
Notice period is provided/contemplated for premature termination/cancellation of agreement.
On expiry of term, you are obliged to refund the Deposit.
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