Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India
Respected Vishwa Arya Sir,
yesterday, i met the caller, this caller's name is Arif Khan, he says, i did agreement of sale before you registered the land in your name, you pay me the amount which i paid to the seller or else i have the authority to cancel your registration and may also occupy the land.
I told him you go and get your money from the former seller which you paid to him... not to me.
Sir, i saw the copy of the agreement of sale he has. The agreement of sale is on Rs 20/- stamp paper, signed on 11/3/2010, for a time period of six months and the deed is not registered.
Thanks...thanks a lot Sir,
Sincerely yours,
1 Answer from Attorneys
Under no circumstance you have to pay him the money. Why would you pay? It is the seller who has unjust enriched himself twice and so the obligation is of the seller and not yours. You just sit quiet in the property and maintain your possession. To me, my personal opinion, it may be a strategy to get more money from you. If he files a case, contest it. you are a bonafide purchaser