Legal Question in Real Estate Law in India

I Sri Kailas Kumar S/o Lt. Ram Narayan Kumar have a own plot & a common boundary wall which is standing between the land of Kailas Kumar, Susil Kumar and Kamlesh Kumar. We have a common well also on this plot which is lying between Kailas Kumar & Susil Kumar land.

Lt. Shyam Charan gifted one part of this land to her wife Lt. Girija Devi & one part of this land to my father Lt. Ram Narayan Kumar. My father Lt. Ram Narayan Kumar gift his share land to my mother Lt. Lali Devi. My mother Lt. Lali Devi & Lt. Shyam Charan mutually made a agreement of common boundary wall & well which is lying between both Lt. Lali Devi & Lt. Shyam Charan land.

Lt. Girija Devi gift her share land to her grand son Sri Susil Kumar but Kamlesh Kumar S/o Lt. Shyam Charan illegally sold the land of Sri Susil Kumar & his ( Kamlesh Kumar ) own share land without any consent of the owner Sri Susil Kumar & neighbor common boundary wall & well owner Sri Kailas Kumar.

As common boundary wall, well and this land is our ancestor property, I Sri Kailas Kumar S/o Lt. Ram Narayan Kumar have first privacy or right to purchase Kamlesh Kumar land if he will sell but without any consent each other he was sold his land.

So I like to fill a complain against Kamlesh Kumar "How Kamlesh sell his property without any consent from this neighbor & which plot is common boundary wall also".

Kindly suggest me what I will at this stage. ( On 23.07.2012 Kamlesh Kumar land registry done.)

Awaiting for your kind response.


Asked on 9/04/12, 5:13 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

RAJIV GUPTA (Cell: +91 9811284735) [email protected]

you may contact your local lawyer.

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Answered on 9/04/12, 11:07 pm
Shrichand Nahar S.V.Nahar, Advocate

Too long query/facts.

Consult your lawyer with all details and documents.

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Answered on 10/14/12, 11:49 pm

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